Sunday, August 15, 2010

run. forrest. run.

Hello again! We shall see if this post looks any better than the last. Fingers crossed!
{No such luck on looking any better.. Instead of huge spaces, this one doesn't want to allow any spaces in between paragraphs, so it's just one long thing.. SORRY! So ready for my Mac!}
Like I said, my sisters, mom, mom-in-law, and sister-in-law are all doing something fun together! No, we unfortunately do not all live in the same place. We are spread across Texas and into Virginia! So even though we are not physically together, we have all decided to train for a half marathon together!!! I am so excited about this! I have done two half marathons and have convinced these lovely ladies in my life that they are fun! :)
We will be running the Chosen Marathon and Half Marathon for Adoption. We will be doing the half part- 13.1! Woo!
On August 1, we started our training. We are following a 12-week program and will be READY to go on October 23 in New Braunfels! (Not quite sure that Kimberly will get to actually be in New Braunfels with us, but we will all be running the 13.1 TOGETHER on the morning of Saturday, October 23!) It has been fun to check in with every one and hear about all the improvement already! And we are only 2 weeks in! I know that each of these ladies is going to continue getting stronger and faster! They are so dedicated, and they truly keep me going! (I am not so great at keeping up with the training just yet.. For example, we were supposed to run 4 miles yesterday, and I just got to it today. But I will get better because I need to be able to keep up!)
There's the fun we have planned together! Feel free to join! We are on week 3 of the program, so if you can, jump on in and run with us!


  1. Good luck training!! I still hate to run... maybe one day that will change and one day I will do a marathon. We shall see. So good seeing you at Rachel's wedding. It had been way too long!!
