Sunday, August 15, 2010
run. forrest. run.
"catch up french fry."

I think I will do a bulleted post {BULLETS AREN'T EVEN WORKING RIGHT! ANNOYING!}
The Tuesday before heading to Austin to celebrate Rachel, I was hired as a Kindergarten teacher in Sweetwater ISD! I honestly could not be MORE excited about this job!!! I have wanted to teach Kinder since I started. (Thank you Jen McDonald for showing me the amazingness of Kindergarten!) The school district seems so fun, the principal has already been wonderful, and the other teachers I will work with are so welcoming and talented! I finally have my Kindergarten classroom and am so ready!
We celebrated Rachel's last few weeks of bachelorette-ness the weekend of July 16 in Austin! It was SO much fun to hang out with all the fun girls and celebrate our precious Rachel! Here are a bunch of pictures from the weekend. We went to 6th street on Friday night (after some pretty little gifts!) and danced the night away! During the day on Saturday, we were had a boat on Lady Bird Lake (aka Town Lake). That night we had a DELICIOUS dinner at Maria, Maria and partied the night away again on 6th street. A GREAT weekend for sure!
When I got back from Rachel's weekend, David had to leave for San Diego! He really enjoyed California, and he and Coach Garnett got some really good players! No pictures from those couple days because I wasn't there.
My sweet Granny Belle and Grandpa celebrated 60 years of marriage on July 24! Unfortunately David and I couldn't make it down to Kingsville to be a part of the celebration. But just wanted to give them some love because 60 years is amazing!
One of the reasons David and I didn't make it down to Kingsville was because David's mom hosted a family reunion. David's aunts came in town along with some of his grandma, cousins, and great aunt and uncle. We had a fish fry, played washers, and just chatted! It was so nice to hang out with my new family. I had the task of banana pudding- which is a staple at these reunions, so the pressure was on! But I was told it turned out good, so hopefully that's the truth!
The next big event was Rachel and Taylor's WEDDING!!! I'm thinking that deserves a whole post of its own! It was such a great weekend, and I was/am so honored that I got to be a part of the beautiful, love-filled day!
When we got back from the wedding it was time to get busy with our jobs! August=busy time for teachers and coaches! I was able to get into my classroom the first week of August, and David has had players moving in since the first week of August. We actually got to spend a whole weekend at home together for the first time since we got married! It was wonderful!
And that brings us to this past week! Whew.. that was a lot! This week was just a lot more working.. I had training and classroom prep; David dealt with more players and other stuff you wouldn't even realize a coach has to do. And yesterday my sweet hubby spent the day with me doing school stuff. We spent an hour at the teacher store here in town- the lamination machine messed up.. Then we spent 7+ hours in my room! We got so much done and my classroom actually looks ready for kiddos!!! Thank you dtk!!! Just some finishing touches before Meet the Teacher next Thursday. (David's birthday is also next Thursday! The big TWO FOUR!)
If you actually made it this far, thanks for reading (leave me a comment)! Stay tuned for a post about something fun I am doing with my sisters, mom, mom-in-law, and sister-in-law! (Yep, I'm gonna work on that post right after this one.. even though this post took way too long to figure out. Can't wait to have a MAC back!)
Another update... I am very sorry for the appearance of this post. It has some huge spaces in there, and I have NO clue why. This is probably the 10th time I have tried to fix it, and it just isn't working. So again, I apologize for the weirdness of this post...